Kroki Nautika d.o.o. | Jabukovac 16a | 10000 Zagreb
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Privacy policy


Service User shares his personal data by his own free will. Service User's personal data is necessary for the process of realization of the service required. The data will be used for further communication between the parties.

Kroki is obliged not to distribute Service User's personal data outside of national borders, or forward it to a third party, except for the purpose of providing the requested service. The exception to distributing personal data to third persons is for crew lists, tourist tax charge, taking out cancellation insurance, accident and illness insurance, baggage damage or loss insurance and voluntary health insurance for the duration of the trip and staying abroad.

If Service User takes out an insurance policy, personal data will be forwarded to the appropriate insurance company. User's personal data will be stored in a data base, according to management's decision on the method of collecting, processing and storing of personal data.

By accepting these General Conditions, Service User agrees that his personal data may be used for Kroki's promotional activities. In any moment Service User can take back approval for giving personal data for promotional activities. However, his/her data is obligatory for E-crew, invoices and tourist tax.

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